domenica 30 novembre 2014

Shall we dance?

Like clouds without ending, we are moving following the wind. I don't want to go nowhere.
In a circle we are dancing, with the wind we are loosing our way.
No breath, just one step more, No breath, one step less.
I wanna live on a red roof, i wanna sleep while the ocean is singing, bring me where the waves are not ends
No Breath, just smile and one step more. No breath, just smile and one step less.

I am going to kiss you under the sound of this rock song because I don't want to wake up all the city,
I am going to bring you in the dance floor because I don't want to move  all the world.
I am going to dance with you under this bed because I don't want that all the universe will be jelaous of us.

I don't need the sun anymore, give more alcool because we are gonna to melt in this river to lose our way.
In this ocean, where there is no sun for us, as a black sheet  covers our thoughts, we stay with our smells,. We don't  need more.
No breath, just one step more. No breath, one step less.

venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

Could you wait a minute?

You kiss me, I kiss her, we kiss each other, they kiss me.
I drink, you puke, I get high, you ask me more. I die.
Looking for something better inside your smoke, I lost myself in a dirty club.
Lonely with my drink, lonely with my fears, I try to switch off the music, but it hurts and you cry and I get high.

Looking for something better I lost my way but I don't want to came back anymore, who are you?
As water in the middle of a desert you give me your hand but I can't touch it, even if is the most beautiful thing that I have never had, I can't touch it; And you disappear.
Give me one more kiss, let me smell your tongue again, let me get high in your arms or just kill me, now and forever.

The time doesn't count anymore, days pass without a breath, You pass as wind on the ocean, but I kiss you, and you kiss Her and then we kiss each other.
I put a tent in this desert with no start and no end, even if I am free I don't have any place to go anymore but the starts are smiling to me while I am drinking your bottle.

Sorry, Could you tell me the way? I lost the time one minute's ago.

domenica 19 ottobre 2014


Jack is there, looking outside from a red roof while outside is raining, but he is not gonna move cause he doesn't have fear of the wind.
White as snow, looking the city that slowly is starting to melt as sugar under the rain.
I would like to be like you, I would like to not have fear of the wind and be distance from here, while slowly float over my thoughts, while slowly I am looking for you.
Lonely during the day, you look at me behind the glass, but I don't feel nothing just the noise of the storm, just the beat of a new day.
Please tell me the way, I will follow you without a word and we will loose over the ocean and then die under this grey sky.
Bring me you, now that I am free, now that I am as you.
The freedom without a way is just a word that can't fly in the sky.

martedì 14 ottobre 2014


No grip. Just flow. Up to the end. To came back to the start.
If there wasn’t grip in that world I would have been there.
If the water wasn’t salty I would never been alone.
Give me your grip, take my hand, I m falling down toward the stability.
Slightly I am going to stop. Slightly I am going to die.
If I only could listen the nature I would never drunk alone.
My hand slightly touches the water of a river. I feel the vibration, you feel the grip. They called love.
I don’t want to stop, the world will spin again, the moon will pass again over our heads.
The last breath will be yours. I will never stop, even if there is the grip. Even if you are calling it love.

I will run until my tears will be yours.


Hot, closeness.

Windows close, the water of air-conditioning paints the street with lazy stripes.

You look distant, I follow you.

The blacktop is blending under my feet, step by step I came back to the starting point.

I raise my eyes, you laugh, you already knew. Here there are no starts.

I am asking me if is possible to live without sky, the moon dies behind a skyscraper.

Far away an odor wakes up my mind, while the river is cleaning our bodies.

Empty bottles of our memories became the stage of a party. The smoke is scratching my eyes.

I try to breath, but I hear just noise.

Trees, instead, are living, happy and suffering to give us shadows. They silent are waiting our end.

You asked where we were going ?

I hope nowhere.